
OSI POLAND FOODWORKS slaughterhouse purchases the following: cows, heifers, bulls, dairy cattle, beef cattle and crossbred cattle.

OSI POLAND FOODWORKS is capable of slaughtering 200 animals a week. This production capability puts our company at the forefront of national and European production plants, and also makes us a leading beef provider in Europe.

mapka lokConsidering the structure and traditions of breeding farms in Poland, the majority of purchases made by OSI POLAND FOODWORKS constitute dairy breeds: Holstein Friesian breed (black-and-white, red-and-white) , Limousine, Charolaise, Simmental. Over recent years, there has been a noticeable growth in the quantity of purchased beef cattle, crossbred cattle and pure-bred animals (Simmental, Angus, Hereford, Belgian Blue-White, Piemiontese, Limousine, Charolaise).

Considering OSI GROUP’s characteristic values, as well as our client’s expectations-world leaders of food industry, we emphasize the importance of animals’ welfare, not only while the animals remain on farms, but also during transport and slaughter.

That’s why we have established our proprietary programme “CULTIVATE”. The vast majority of cattle purchased by our company come from farms included in the programme (the number of which currently amounts to 24 369). Polish breeders participating in the programme obtain financial benefits from sales of their cattle.

If you are a breeder and you are interested in the terms of sale established by OSI POLAND FOODWORKS, click here:

We look forward to doing business with you!

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Chróścina 3a 56-200 Chróścina
NIP 522-294-94-86


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