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Observed each year on February 18th, the day serves to appreciate the convenience batteries provide to our everyday lives by enabling smooth functioning of numerous portable devices.

A mobile phone, a watch, a camera, an electric toothbrush, a pacemaker and countless other devices rely on power supply provided by those little energy sources. Besides AA batteries, there are also lithium batteries, thermoelectric batteries, solar batteries as well as rechargeable batteries, so called storage batteries. Which to choose? The choice mostly depends on the type of device, but rechargeable batteries, for sure, remain the most eco choice among them all.

In order to completely eliminate the use of standard, non-rechargeable batteries, OSI POLAND FOODWORKS opted for wireless devices, such as mouse and keyboards equipped with a set of rechargeable batteries Eneloop. The set includes a charger too.

Where does the idea come from? The lifespan of such batteries is much longer than ordinary AA batteries, which people simply dispose of after a couple of weeks.

Considering the amount of toxic substances that a battery contains, used ones must be utilized in the right way and should never be placed in ordinary rubbish bins.

National Battery Day

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