Food safety is the set of conditions and actions that must be taken during all stages of the food production and trading process in order to ensure the safety of life and health of consumers.
We talked about the essence of this definition and the role of all OSI POLAND FOODWORKS employees in the production process during the Food Safety Days, which took place from 14 to 18 September in our plant in Chróścina.
This year's edition is primarily education through play and multimedia. Each OSI employee received an information package, which included, among others leaflets on how to keep food safein your home, how to avoid infection with viruses or wash your hands properly. In addition, the package included pouches for hygienic food storage and a knowledge test, which is a ticket to win attractive prizes! One hundred percent of correct answers was a chance to win small household appliances!
Apart from packages, each day employees received a portion of knowledge in the form of multimedia presentations and films, where their colleagues told how they care about the safety of food produced in our plant, from purchasing the raw material to the transport of the finished product to the customer.
On the fourth day of the celebration, the quality and marketing departments organized a stand where each FOODWORKS employee could watch a movie, take part in a quiz and receive company gadgets. An additional attraction was voting in the Family Competition, organized as part of this special week. The participants' task was to show, through art work, how they care for food at home. An attractive prize in the form of a pressure washer awaited the winner. All were also given food storage containers.
This year, the Food Safety Days organized one very important goal - to make everyone aware that safe food depends on each of us!
Taking care of the procedures, strict adherence to the rules and sanitary regimes in the production process is the first stage. The next one starts in our home environment, where it depends only on us whether the food we eat is fully valuable and, above all, healthy!
Remember – Food safety also depends on you!