The end of August spells nothing but coming back to school! As every year, OSI POLAND FOODWORKS funded school starter kits for children from Chróścina. Fifty-five students, who start their school education on September 2, received packages with school supplies.
All participants of the campaign met on the last hot Saturday of holidays at the Folk House in Chróścina. Children and teenagers were asked to complete a task of drawing their holiday’s memory. The works presented relax by the water, in the mountains, fishing and games and plays with their families.
Mrs. Katarzyna Maksymczuk, the village leader, together with the Village Administration Council prepared some refreshments, cold drinks and grilled sausages.
All school supplies were adjusted to the age of the students. Everyone received necessary school supplies such as notebooks, drawing pads, files, pencils, scissors, colorful crayons, plasticine, and water bottles. Children took a glance into their packages displaying both happiness and curiosity. We hope that our presents will make it easier to return to performing school duties.
We wish you all good luck in the new school year!